아침에 챙겨 먹어야 할 7가지 음식
Published : 2014-03-10 17:33
Updated : 2014-03-10 17:33
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하지만 이런 일반적인 아침식사음식을 자제한다고 해서 아침을 굶는 것은 손해라고 말했다. 아침은 체중조절, 단기기억력 강화, 제 2형 당뇨병 예방 등 건강에 좋은 영향을 끼치며 일반적인 풍성한 아침식사보다는 요리를 최소화한 음식들을 아침식사로 추천했다.
1. 달걀
최근 발표된 연구결과에 따르면 달걀에 함유된 콜레스테롤은 “나쁜”콜레스테롤이 아니며 비만과 심혈관질환을 일으키는 “나쁜”콜레스테롤은 포화지방으로 되어있다고 한다. 또한, 달걀 노른자를 버리기 전에 달걀 대부분의 영양분은 노른자에 있는데 특히, 시금치나 케일에 다량 함유되어있는 비타민, 루테인이 노른자에 있음을 기억하길 바란다고 했다.
2. 통밀, 시리얼, 오트밀
“통밀 시리얼이나 오트밀에 들어있는 섬유질은 혈압과 콜레스테롤 수치를 낮춰준다”고 ‘당신의 뉴욕 영양사’의 사장 리사 모스코비츠는 말했다. 그녀는 시리얼을 고를 때 섬유질 함유가 적어도 5그램이 되는 것이 좋으며 우유는 최대 1 퍼센트 정도의 유지방이 있는 것으로 먹길 권했다. “2세 이상의 그 누구도 이보다 더 높은 양의 유지방을 섭취하는 것은 옳지 않다”고 모스코비츠는 덧붙였다.
3. 땅콩버터
마가린처럼 노란빛을 띄고 있는 버터류는 “나쁜”포화지방이 다량 함유되어 있지만 땅콩버터는 “좋은”불포화지방으로 만들어져 있다고 한다. 또한 2큰술의 땅콩버터당 8그램의 단백질이 들어있는데 이는 하루에 성인이 섭취해야 할 단백질양의 20퍼센트에 해당한다.
4. 과일
“세상에 건강에 나쁜 과일이란 건 없다”고 영양사 룻 프렌치맨은 말했다. 또한 일반적인 아침식사를 거르는 것보단 바나나처럼 영양가 있는 과일을 출퇴근길에 먹는 것도 좋다고 덧붙였다.
5. 요거트
요거트는 약 170그램당 고기에 버금가는 단백질을 함유하고 있다. 또한 그릭요거트 (그리스식 요거트)는 일반 요거트보다 두 배나 더 많은 단백질이 들어있다고 한다. 비즈니스인사이더는 체중조절중인 사람이나 당뇨가 있는 사람은 플레인, 무지방 요거트 또는 저지방 요거트가 좋다고 했다. 시중에 나와있는 ‘과일 요거트’는 설탕이 다량함유 되어있을 수 있다고 덧붙였다.
6. 스무디
야채를 많이 섭취하기 힘든 사람들에게 제격인 스무디는 케일이나 시금치 등을 요거트와 과일과 함께 갈아 쉽게 먹을 수 있는 완벽한 아침식사다. 또한 어떤 채소나 과일을 넣느냐에 따라서 영양소를 조절할 수 있다고 했다. 번거롭지 않고 이동 중에도 섭취가 가능해 현대인에게는 제격인 아침식사다.
7. 커피
최근 발표된 커피관련 연구결과들에 따르면 카페인은 장기기억력을 높여줄 뿐만 아니라 다이어트에도 효과적이라고 했다. 비즈니스인사이더는 커피는 하루에 4잔이상 마시지만 않는다면 문제될 것이 없다고 보도했다.
(코리아헤럴드 하지원 인턴기자 jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
<관련 영문 기사>
7 foods you should eat for breakfast
According to an article by Business Insider, there are certain foods we should avoid for breakfast. Bacon, sausages, hash browns, processed cheese, biscuits with gravy, and granola bars are foods that contain a lot of saturated fat or are high in sugar. These foods, commonly found in an English breakfast, could be alright to eat once in a while but not on a regular basis.
Eating a healthy breakfast can prevent weight gain, boost short-term memory and lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Here are seven breakfast foods recommended by Business Insider.
1. Eggs
Recent studies have shown that it’s saturated fat, not cholesterol in foods, that increases “bad” blood cholesterol. The yolk of the egg is where most of the nutrients are found, such as lutein, a vitamin found in spinach and kale that can prevent eye disease.
2. Whole-grain bread, cereal or oatmeal
“Fiber from whole grain cereal and oats can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol,” said Lisa Moskovits, owner of Your New York Dietitians. She suggested choosing breakfast cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving and having them with milk with 1 percent fat or less. “No one over the age of 2 should be drinking higher fat cow’s milk,” Moskovits asserted.
3. Peanut butter
Yellowish spreads like margarine are much higher in “bad” saturated fats compared to peanut butter, which mostly contains the “good” unsaturated fat. Two tablespoons of peanut butter also contains 8 grams of protein, which is around 20 percent of the daily recommended amount for male and female adults.
4. Fruit
“There’s no such thing as an unhealthy fruit,” Ruth Frenchman, a nutritionist and author of “The Food is My Friend Diet,” told BI. Frenchman also recommended bananas for breakfast as they are easy to eat on the go compared to a typical breakfast, which you may have to skip when you are late.
5. Yogurt
About 170 grams of yogurt contains as much protein as a serving of meat. Greek yogurt contains even more protein, sometimes double the amount of regular yogurt. BI recommended plain, non-fat or low-fat yogurt for those who have diabetes or are watching their calories, as fruit-flavored yogurts have a lot of added sugar.
6. Smoothies
This blended drink is easy to carry to work, takes hardly any time to make and may have many nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, depending on what you blend together. Smoothies can even include vegetables like kale and spinach, which are perfect for breakfast.
7. Coffee
According to recent studies, certain amount of caffeine can boost long-term memory and help in controlling one’s weight. BI suggested that as long as you are not drinking more than four cups a day, there is nothing wrong with drinking coffee.
By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
7 foods you should eat for breakfast
According to an article by Business Insider, there are certain foods we should avoid for breakfast. Bacon, sausages, hash browns, processed cheese, biscuits with gravy, and granola bars are foods that contain a lot of saturated fat or are high in sugar. These foods, commonly found in an English breakfast, could be alright to eat once in a while but not on a regular basis.
Eating a healthy breakfast can prevent weight gain, boost short-term memory and lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Here are seven breakfast foods recommended by Business Insider.
1. Eggs
Recent studies have shown that it’s saturated fat, not cholesterol in foods, that increases “bad” blood cholesterol. The yolk of the egg is where most of the nutrients are found, such as lutein, a vitamin found in spinach and kale that can prevent eye disease.
2. Whole-grain bread, cereal or oatmeal
“Fiber from whole grain cereal and oats can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol,” said Lisa Moskovits, owner of Your New York Dietitians. She suggested choosing breakfast cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving and having them with milk with 1 percent fat or less. “No one over the age of 2 should be drinking higher fat cow’s milk,” Moskovits asserted.
3. Peanut butter
Yellowish spreads like margarine are much higher in “bad” saturated fats compared to peanut butter, which mostly contains the “good” unsaturated fat. Two tablespoons of peanut butter also contains 8 grams of protein, which is around 20 percent of the daily recommended amount for male and female adults.
4. Fruit
“There’s no such thing as an unhealthy fruit,” Ruth Frenchman, a nutritionist and author of “The Food is My Friend Diet,” told BI. Frenchman also recommended bananas for breakfast as they are easy to eat on the go compared to a typical breakfast, which you may have to skip when you are late.
5. Yogurt
About 170 grams of yogurt contains as much protein as a serving of meat. Greek yogurt contains even more protein, sometimes double the amount of regular yogurt. BI recommended plain, non-fat or low-fat yogurt for those who have diabetes or are watching their calories, as fruit-flavored yogurts have a lot of added sugar.
6. Smoothies
This blended drink is easy to carry to work, takes hardly any time to make and may have many nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, depending on what you blend together. Smoothies can even include vegetables like kale and spinach, which are perfect for breakfast.
7. Coffee
According to recent studies, certain amount of caffeine can boost long-term memory and help in controlling one’s weight. BI suggested that as long as you are not drinking more than four cups a day, there is nothing wrong with drinking coffee.
By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (jiwonha@heraldcorp.com)
*코리아헤럴드 2014.03.11 펌
출처 : 바람에 띄운 그리움
글쓴이 : 達溪 오천기(潘萬基) 원글보기
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